What is sex therapy for compulsive sexual behavour?

Psychosexual therapy (or sex therapy) is counselling specifically for those who are having sexual difficulties. Sex can be a difficult subject to talk about, and talking about sexual problems with our family and friends can be taboo. This can often make us feel very isolated and lonely, however, sex therapists are trained counsellors who understand how difficult this can be.

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Compulsive sexual behaviour

Compulsive sexual behaviour

Compulsive sexual behaviours are probably not what you think they are. They are not about having a high sex drive, neither are they a moral failing. They are often not about being stuck in an unhappy relationship. If sex and porn is being used compulsively, it is likely a mechanism to help deal with difficult or uncomfortable feelings

Sexual Shame

Sexual Shame

To feel shame around sex and our sexuality is a common experience. However, as a society, we tend to avoid the topics of both sex and shame. Even more so when these experiences are combined. This can make us feel like we are the only ones who worry about sex.

Shame Containment Theory

Shame Containment Theory

Shame Containment Therapy (SCT) is a new therapeutic approach to working with and improving our relationship with shame. By working with shame using SCT, we improve our relationship with ourselves and others.